Friday, April 6, 2007

Blog 13: Snow is cooooooooooool :P

Snow, snow do not go away. It is really amazing this weather her in Calgary or actually in Alberta. Snowing for about a week with out stopping!!! And when? In April!! Instead of seeing all the flowers and plants, her it is just white and everything is white. But, guess what? I am really happy. I have always liked winter and the more snow we have, the more happy I am :D It just fun wearing tons of layers, boots, scarves, and coats. Your feet will dip on the snow and the most wonderful thing is the STEAM coming out of you mouth. May be the steam part is the most enjoyable thing in winter for me. Especially when waiting for the bus, I keep my self busy blowing steam. It is JUST WOW :P anyways, there is something that I realized in winter here. The weather is not cold, or maybe not cold for me, even if it is about -20 unless the weather is windy. I was so surprised in the first days of winter that it wasn’t cool even though it was under -10. I felt like I was in Kuwait, and in Kuwait, however, it never gets below 0!!! When I said that to some people, they told me that it is partially because the weather her is so dry; meaning that there is no moisture in the air because we are higher than the sea level. Unlike Kuwait, we are on the sea level which makes the air full with moisture and much cooler in winter. So as I said, I am really enjoying this weather, but it is not so cold. I do not mean by not being cold that I am always warm, but I just mean it is not much of my expectation; that is, the temperature does not match how cold the weather is. May be because where I came from?? I don’t know..

Thursday, April 5, 2007


I am Goku. I am a Super Saiyan
Her I am. This is me. There nowhere else on Earth I rather be. Her I am, Just me and blogging. Today I finish the required number of BLOGSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. Horaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay.
Anyways, my last presentation was really different maybe partially because it is the last presentation in the LEAP program. Oh my God why am I talking about stuff that I cannot blog about. I mean I cannot write so much about :S I got it:
Ladies and Gentlemen, I am going to talk about Macintosh.
In the past few years, Macintosh has dominated the market, and actually has waken up from its sleeping. I think Macintosh is as old as windos; however, windos was so easy to use that it was more popular. Given the fact the windos was also more flexible; that is, many computer companies could use it for their computers. Anyways, back to Macintosh, I think Apple was brought back to life by the invention of the i-pod. It was so popular that people starting to be aware that there is another computer system. Along on this path, Apple started working on this field: music. And step by step they were telling people “ hey guys, we also have computers that have the same music system. And from there, owning an apple computer was a unique sign maybe because it was and still more expensive. Anyways, now it is so popular that you can see it at the U of C almost with every other student. When people are asked why they like to have a Macintosh laptop or computer they will say that it is unique!! Yes it is unique. In fact, as I said it is specializing in songs and recently in Graphics. People can control and make wonderful pictures using it. To some people using MAC is complicated, but actually that is because they are used to use Windos. When asking people who use Mac about Windos, they will say the opposite: Windos is complicated. The true is that it is just the matter of getting use to something. I am actually starting to get interested in having a MAC laptop. Why? I don’t know it is just cool, but still, where will I get the money from?????????????????????

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

funny pictures are not related to what I am writing. Please write comments on my blog instead writing them on the picture :P

Part 2 (Cars vs Motorcycle

Back to what I was talking about ( writing actually :P). When comparing a motor cycle to car......hmm. First, each one of them has advantages and disadvantages. As for the insurance, it might be much cheaper to insure a motor cycle. Think about it, what do people pay high insurance on cars??? Because when having car insurance, the car might be really damaged. Therefore, more money must be paid. On the other hand, when having an accident with a motor cycle :D the motor cycle will not be damaged because the motor cycle driver will be dead once a car hits him or her :D So, motor cycle might be more dangerous while driving. But a car is safer. People would prefer their save their life rather than spending less money on car insurance and dieing. But, is it just about insurance that make people want to by a motor cycle? I do not think so. It might be that some people like taking risks in life, so they buy a motor cycle. I just remembered something about safety. Actually BMW has just made a motor cycle that is covered so that it can offer more safety. Anyways, so as I said, motor cycle might be fun to drive for some people because as everyone knows that you can enjoy the wind as driving on a motor cycle. Another thing that needs to be taken into account is that a motor cycle is energy efficient. A motor cycle does not actually "drink" gas just as cars do. Which means (back to money) that people can save more money. Jumping from this point to another... there are good and different designs for both cars and motor cycle. There is this kind of motor cycle that is sport, there is the one with large boxes in the back, and there are Harley motor cycles. There is also the smaller kind of motor cycles that are just small and I think girls tend to drive them (no offence) Just like car different car designs which I don't want to mention. Recently, motor cycles have over come most the problems with using motor cycles. If you are one if those who think that a motor cycle is not good because I cannot go shopping because I don't have space to put whatever I bought then BMW and Honda have solved the problems with motor cycles with boxes where you can put your stuff. And if you think that a motor cycle can fit only two then :P remember the kinds that you can have the chair on the side. You can actually fit three or maybe four people. Anyways, because motor cycles ( oh I just remembered that a driver of a motor cycle is called motor cyclist :D) have some advantages, the idea of smart car came. Actually I saw a program that says that the smart car is actually a motor cycle with four wheels. So, if you like the motor cycle but you are afraid because you think that a motor cycle is not safe, you better get a smart car :D

Sunday, March 25, 2007

I am Goku. I am a Super Saiyan


Funny pictures are not related to what I am writing

Actually this is only my introduction to my next blog

I started to love cars maybe 4 years ago. I don't know why, but I think this is natural for a male to like cars. I think that males in general like certain things like sports, cars, movies, and so on. However, there are some girls who still like what men like.Also, some men like what girls like; some men like fashion, perfumes, and ....ets. I should not make a general statement saying that all girls like whatever, or even all men like whatever, it is just what I think. Anyways, back to what I started with: Cars. My point of mentioning cars is not to talk about cars, even though I LOVE cars, instead I would like just make a comparison between MOTOR CYCLE and CARS. I have always liked motor cycle. However, may parents kept telling me what any parent would say when their son would say "I WANT A MOTOR CYCLE!" I do not even need to mention what they said. So, as the time passed, I forgot my likeness to motor cycles. But, after going out yesturday and seeing the enourmos number of motor cycles, my feeling came back to me. I was actually, starting to convine my self that buying a motor cycle is even better than a car "NOTE: I was just talking to my self and imaginin my self in the situation of choosing between a car and a motor cycle because I actually have no money to even buy a bicycle!!" The way I was trying to convince my self was through thinking about the driving licences. I know from the registary office that in order to get a "car" driving licences I have to have a the graduate licences which means that I cannot drive for a year unless some one who has a full drivong licences is sitting next to me. So, I thought that if I applied to have a motor cucle driving licences I will be able to drive right away because there cannot be something called Graduate licence. Anyways, fomr this point of view I started to think of having a motor cycle.....However, I think I am out of time and I complete blogging about this topic and getting into the main idea in my next blog... :P

Thursday, March 22, 2007

30 minutes of :inconvenient truth

Her I am bloging in an illegal time: it is break time :P We are just about to watch the next 30 minute :P Anyways, the first 30 minute really affected me. As I I was in the bus yesturday I was thinking about stuff that I can do inorderto help the world. Actually , I was thinking about projects that I or any politician can do. However, I could find no ideas except for personal things that I will do hopefully. I am really sad about the situation in which the world is in. Still, I believe that the main the reason for global warming is that we all and I say all meaning all of us still look at the problem as a movie. We still do not realize that this our world, and that we are the characters in this movie. Instead, we, as I said, just keep watching. Yes, we may feel sad for the situatiojn, but we do not and will not do anything because we forget everthing once the lecture, the movie or whatever it is ends. And do you know why? I will tell you: in mty situation, after I left the computer lab, I was still living, I was still in the university, my friends were there, and everything I needed was in its place. So, those stuff made me forgot the whole problem. And this is what happening to all people.

The break is over, We are going to watch the movie now:P that's all.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Note: images are not related to what I am writing. They are just funny !

Building constructions

That's me. I am Goku. I am a Super SaiyanI
don't know why, but I like constructions. Taking it metaphorically or generally, I like constructions. What I mean by Constructions is that I like to see and to know as well to how to build a building for example starting from the beginning with choosing the design. I don't like architecture though. May be what I like most is the interior construction: building the sealing, walls and the decoration. However, house construction is just WOW for me. I like everything about except for the money and paying part. I bet that building houses is such a great period of time especially if someone is building a house for him/herself. I feel like I am long wended and pointless when talking about this topic, but I will continue to write about it :P SO, house constructions in Kuwait VS house constructions in Canada or lets say, in Calgary. In Kuwait an average house size will normally take no less than a year to be completely build; I mean interiorly and exteriorly. If you are saying HOLLY COW because you think that is too much, then let me explain it to you DEAR READER. In KUWAIT all (and I mean ALL) houses are made of concrete, and there is no use of wood except for the "inside designing". SO, basically it will take longer time for a house to be built. Just think about it. You have to wait for the concrete to be dry. Even though I think that we use concrete because it is so hot in Kuwait, people her tell me that concrete makes it even worse. It keeps the heat. However, may be because concrete is much stronger. Anyways, if people are not in a rush, they will probably take another year to collect money( just building the house costs lots of $$$$$$$$) so that they can buy furnishers and appliances. On the other hand , her in Calgary, it takes about 6 months to build a house. Probably a year to move in. Her everything is usually made of wooooood except for the basement. If you have ever seen the show :Extreme Make Over" you will now that it can take just 24 hours to build house and decorate everything. From this comparison to my first subject which is liking constructions. Whether it is a concrete house or a wooden house it doesn’t matter to me . I like house constructions anyway. I really like to sit with anyone and listen to him (usually just "him" because the "her" does not like talking about the constructions" telling me about everything about the house starting how they build, and why they chose that spot to build a house. All people agree that building a house takes a lot of effort. Yes, the owner is not participating with the actual building but he/she is usually following with builders to guarantee the best work done. I know that it has been a long blog, but my point is or actually my question is: "Is it worth while to build a new house by your self? or buying a readymade house is better?
I can Actually blog about the answer :P But I think it is the matter of wanting the house to be as you want and as you wish or just a house to live in. Sometimes people buy houses but they actually just want the land may be because a couple of years later it would be much more expensive. Therefore, they live there for quite a bit until the house becomes ruins and until they collect money to rebuild the DREAM HOUSE.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Sunday, March 11, 2007


As usual, I would like to thank who wrote me a coment on my previous blog. And this time it's only SCOTT !! Thanks Scott

Today I went to Costco, which a great place that sells almost everything. There are idea about selling is great. They go to factories and buy a large amount of something so that they can guarantee having the “quantity discount” and the cheapest price of the good. However, when you get into there, you will see all the huge shelves filled with theses goods starting from a milk jar to a small moveable garage. Anyways, because of buying goods directly from the factory, the prices are probably the cheapest. And actually, I have been always thinking this way, instead of going to somewhere to buy something, I should go to the producer to guarantee the cheapest price, and this is what their policies are. I think they make profits from the memberships. You cannot shop there unless you have a membership. IN fact they are making lots of profits from this way of working. They actually opened a branch in UK. Anyways, to many people, it is worthwhile to have the membership. And for most people, shopping on Sunday is the best. Today after getting what we want, we had to wait in the line up for about half an hour. It was unbelievably crowded. People, were actually fighting about who got first in the line up!! I guess this gives us a lesson: always avoid Sundays to go shopping or maybe at least grocery shopping.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Mixed English

That's me. I am Goku. I am a Super Saiyan

As usual, I would like to thank Yulia because she is the only one who gave me a comment on my previous blog. Thank you Yulia :P

I think there is a common problem between us, students who are learning English. I believe that the problem is what I call MIXED ENGLISH problem. Actually my definition will be a kind of long definition. You will understand what I mean by reading through my blog.
To us, english learners, one of the way to practice our listening skills is to watch movies, listen to musics and so on. May be through doing these activities we are learning how to speak as well. Anyways, the way to learn through these activities is catch up some vocabularies, and see the way the actors or singers are pronouncing. However, I think that right now there are two main "type" of English. There is the British English and there is the American English. Yes both of them are English, yet there are some differences in pronunciations, spelling, meaning and the use of some words. Examples: Often is pronounced with a silent "t" in American English; however, the "t" is pronounced in the British. As for the spelling, red, blue, green and yellow are "colours" in British English, whereas in American English, they are "color". Moving to meanings "subway" is an underground road in British English. In American English, it is a restaurant!! hahahahahah just kidding. I can't actually remember an example of meaning differences. Anyways, in Canada, we use a combination of both. We can say that both English are accepted. So, when it comes to us, we are more likely to have English that is a combination. As I mentioned, when watching Harry Potter, for example, we may learn how to pronounce a specific word. And when we watch Spider Man, For example, we may learn how to pronounce another word, yet this word may not be pronounced the same way. Therefore, when we speak we will have a combination of both Englishe"s". I have been into many situations when people would correct my English because it is not pronounced this way in this place. Last time I went to TRAVEL CUTS I was pronouncing DIRECT with a strong "i" and the agent was correcting my "DIRECT" into a soft "i" Anyways, I am sure that many of us has been into similar situations

Friday, March 9, 2007

That's me. I am Goku. I am a Super Saiyan


First of all, I would like to thank Scott, Loreta, Estela, and Yulia for writing me comment son my last blog.
Her I go,......
since everybody has been writing about their country, I think I should do the same; to write about KUWAIT (q8). To be honest, I am writing this blog about Kuwait because many students especially Loreta has been asking me to write about q8. She and many other students told me that they know quite a bit about q8, so I am writing about it. I think I will be today describing a place in q8 called: KUWAIT TOWERS.
I don't know when actually they were built. However, I do know that they were there when I was born :D

q8 towers consist of three towers: the big tower with two balls, the one with one ball, and the one with out any balls!! So, I guess you are wondering what they are. The tower with two balls has a restaurant, cafe, and a VIP hall as I think or maybe two restaurants and the other restaurant can be a hall. Anyways, the restaurants are in the big ball and the cafe as well as a souvenir shop and are in the smaller ball. The smaller ball, however, has a moving floor that means that when standing on it you will be turning with it
The other tower with one ball is just a figure. I think it keeps water. And as for the thin tower with out balls I am sure that it controls the electricity around the area. So, now whenever I talk about my visit to Kuwait tower I mean tot he restaurant. I went there many times. The food over there is very delicious. One of the restaurants has a buffet and the other has a menu. Both of them are great and expensive. Usually, most tourists will go there to have meals whether breakfast, lunch or supper. And then they will go up to the smaller ball to enjoy the view of the city and the sea because the towers are located near the beach.

Friday, February 23, 2007

That's me; I am Goku; I am a Super Saiyan

Please, Do NOT write comments on the picture


Funny pictures are not related to what I am writing

Before starting to blog, I would like to thank SCOTT, ESTELA, YULIA, and LORET for writing me comments on my previous blog

Some times I have many things that I would like to blog about, and some ohter times I do not want to blog because of not being in the mood to do so. Just a couple of days before, I thought, "I don't want to blog! It will waste my time!" THEN I TOLD MY SELF: oooooooo Wait just a second, aren't you the one who made his presentation about the importance of BLOGGING!!!!!????? So I just went to the computer to start to blog then, I started surfing the internet:D

Anyways, I am blogging right now and this is the most important PART.

Her I go,....

Oh my God, I really forgot what I wanted to blog about! You know what, I will just free write.

Last night I spend about half the day on the phone. NOT with my friends or family but with companies! I have my line with telus, but yesterday Rogeres called me telling me that they bought my acount from telus :S I had to go through the whole process of telling them my name and #s of IDs. and after I thought I finished the man transferred me to another lady. I was like "Now what?" she was telling me the conditions and the agreeeeeement policy! then again intothe same process of telling them my information. The funniest part was that the lady seemed to be a french canadian. Her accent did not seem to be like a native accent, so I did not hesitate asking her every term that I did not understand. Anyway I closed the phone from them, and called the other company WITH WHOME I HAVE MY LONG DISTANSE PLAN (I am using an adjective clause :D) Guess what? I went into the same process of to reconnect my phone. because of saying my name so many times I could memorize it :D

later on, after all this calles I closed the phone and it was dinner time. For the first time I could make a aroud, flat pancake. I ate pancakes for dinner!

Anyways, moving along to speak from what happened with me yesterday to cartoons. WOW, can you see how coherent and logical I am to speak about two different topics that are compleeeeeeeeeeetley Not related. You have all noticed how much like the cartoon DRAGONBALL by seeing the picture of Goku, who is the main charecter. Will you guys believe me if I told you that I am dreaming of them! Two days ago I dreamed of seeing them @ my home in KUWAIT. I cant talk more about them because it will be an insult to talk about them so little. It will take more than for ever to tell you every thing about it , about why I like it, and about my dreams and thoughts. Yet I want to tell you one more thing:

Goku=Super Saiyan= Me

Sunday, February 11, 2007

That's me. I am Goku I am a Super Saiyan

My future project

Notice: Pictures are NOT related to what I am writing
Her I am Blogging again. What will I talk about? I think that I will tell you guys about some of my dreams and ambitions. First of all, these are my real thoughts and ideas and I am not joking. BE AWARE THAT WHOEVER STEEL MY IDEAS AND PROJECTS WILL BE JUDGED BY THE FBI (that is what they say in the biginning of each video regarding copying the video, CD or what ever :P).
So, lets start with what I really want to do. We all know who is Barbi. Oh, as I am typing I remembered something interesting about Barbie that I just learned. DO YOU KNOW WHAT IS BARBIE'S LAST NAME?? if you know just tell me and I will tell you if it is right or wrong. Anyways, as you all know that Barbi is not getting anymore popular especially after BRATZ. The company in the U.S are struggling trying to bring Barbi back as the best doul. As I read about Barbi I felt very sad that they are looso and might close the company. Therefore, I though of opening the biggest Barbie store in the world in Kuwait with a fabulous design to encourage young girls to buy it and bring Barbi back to the top. I thougt of goin to the U.S and make a contratc that says if I make Babri popular again I will get an amount of money. So, to summarize one of my ideas, I want to open the biggest Barbie store with huge commercials to attract people to buy it. Just to be aware, I have never played with barbi, and it is just that I feel sorry for them, and I am offering a help for them. Also, The BRATZ looks ugly and evil.
GOOD NEWS: I will start interviewing you all to see if you can work @ my store.
SCOTT, there might be a job for you,too. I will make you the manager :D

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

I beleive I can Fly !

Like all children, when I was asked what would I like to be in the future, I would always answer them that I liked to be a Pilot. What I meant buy then was that I would like to be a pilot in the AIR FORCE. I wanted to fly something like F15 , B2 or Night Hook. However, I still want to fly but after realizintg that it is hard to be an Air Force pilot, I started to think about a new IDEA. I want to go SKY DIVING. I saw once a program about sky diving and it was fantastic. It has become a safe sport, so I hope one day that I will do it. QUESTION: WHO WILL JOIN ME IN THIS ADVENTURE?

If you think that I am crazy after reading this then do complete reading :D

After thinking with my self about these stuff I noticed a thing in me. CAN YOU GUESS? It is not the matter of loving to fly, but, in fact, it was the matter of speed!!. When I went to Kuwait last christmas holiday I got my driving licens. Like all roads there are many signs that says { Speed Leads to Death}. However, when was in the car ( it was Corrola) I remembered that I like speed so,................... 80--> 100 -->120--> Wait there is more ! 130--> 145 :) I went 145 mps Let me tell you about it: It was great to be @ that speed but still not satisfying to me. So I guess SKY DIVING IS THE ONE. On that program that I saw they said that a man can go over 400 mps ! They actually put the picture of a man going @ that speed and I realized that this is what I want

But I still have to remember that speed leads to death and that I have many dreams that I want t odo in my life (I will talk about them later hopefullllllllllllllllly)

Super Saiyan

Sunday, January 21, 2007

My Picture

That's me. I am Goku I am a Super Saiyan


Notice: The funny pictures are not related to what I am writing.
Today I would like to talk about cooking! First of all, before starting to talk about cooking I would like to say something about SCOTT & his relation with cooking. It seems that Scott is a very good cook. I think that whenever Scott has a free time, he will be @ the kitchen experimenting new cooking recipes. I think he likes spicy food and he doesn’t like to cook deserts, but he does like to consume them :p As for myself, I like and love to watch people cooking and I also love to read recipes but unfortunately I don’t like to cook !! DON’T ASK WHY. However, I still want to learn because I believe that sometime I would like to be in the kitchen cooking. When I first came to Canada, the only thing that I knew was how to COOK an egg. I tried to make some pancakes but they looked very very very UGLY even though they tasted good. Later on, when I went back to Kuwait I told my mum that I will be sleeping in the kitchen because I wanted to learn how to cook every thing. And her I am in Canada proud of my self that I learned how to cook NOTHING which is a very nice dish that tastes like nothing and especially when you have it with nothing juice and a little bit of nothing deserts. JUST ASK ME ABOUT THE “ NOTHING RECIPE” :D
What I know about my current friends:
ALL of them Are good consumers but I think that "Ulya" (Excuse me for the spelling of her name) is a good cook
Super Saiyan
Notice: Goku=Super Saiyan=Mamado=me

Friday, January 19, 2007

Here I am in the computer lab for the first time to start blogging. It is my first time to do these blogging stuff. So, now the question is what do I think about blogging?? Is it a waste of time? or what? May be I agree with Scott when he said or when I thought he said ! that it will help me to increase my typing speed. I really want to increase my typing speed because I beleive that every every every evry thing in my next studing life will be depending on typing. Regardless, It seems to be enjoyable to blog.

As for LEAP 4, hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh what can I say about it? the only thing I know that it is toooooooooooooooooooooo earlly to say anything about. ASK ME @ THE END OF THE COURSE.