Back to what I was talking about ( writing actually :P). When comparing a motor cycle to car......hmm. First, each one of them has advantages and disadvantages. As for the insurance, it might be much cheaper to insure a motor cycle. Think about it, what do people pay high insurance on cars??? Because when having car insurance, the car might be really damaged. Therefore, more money must be paid. On the other hand, when having an accident with a motor cycle :D the motor cycle will not be damaged because the motor cycle driver will be dead once a car hits him or her :D So, motor cycle might be more dangerous while driving. But a car is safer. People would prefer their save their life rather than spending less money on car insurance and dieing. But, is it just about insurance that make people want to by a motor cycle? I do not think so. It might be that some people like taking risks in life, so they buy a motor cycle. I just remembered something about safety. Actually BMW has just made a motor cycle that is covered so that it can offer more safety. Anyways, so as I said, motor cycle might be fun to drive for some people because as everyone knows that you can enjoy the wind as driving on a motor cycle. Another thing that needs to be taken into account is that a motor cycle is energy efficient. A motor cycle does not actually "drink" gas just as cars do. Which means (back to money) that people can save more money. Jumping from this point to another... there are good and different designs for both cars and motor cycle. There is this kind of motor cycle that is sport, there is the one with large boxes in the back, and there are Harley motor cycles. There is also the smaller kind of motor cycles that are just small and I think girls tend to drive them (no offence) Just like car different car designs which I don't want to mention. Recently, motor cycles have over come most the problems with using motor cycles. If you are one if those who think that a motor cycle is not good because I cannot go shopping because I don't have space to put whatever I bought then BMW and Honda have solved the problems with motor cycles with boxes where you can put your stuff. And if you think that a motor cycle can fit only two then :P remember the kinds that you can have the chair on the side. You can actually fit three or maybe four people. Anyways, because motor cycles ( oh I just remembered that a driver of a motor cycle is called motor cyclist :D) have some advantages, the idea of smart car came. Actually I saw a program that says that the smart car is actually a motor cycle with four wheels. So, if you like the motor cycle but you are afraid because you think that a motor cycle is not safe, you better get a smart car :D
And what about the environment? :) Maybe let's all ride bikes :p
cool thing
BMW always had cool bikes
I also like Honda's and Yamaha
The major problem with motorcycles and scooters in Calgary is the winter. Imagine riding your harley in a snow storm.
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