Snow, snow do not go away. It is really amazing this weather her in Calgary or actually in Alberta. Snowing for about a week with out stopping!!! And when? In April!! Instead of seeing all the flowers and plants, her it is just white and everything is white. But, guess what? I am really happy. I have always liked winter and the more snow we have, the more happy I am :D It just fun wearing tons of layers, boots, scarves, and coats. Your feet will dip on the snow and the most wonderful thing is the STEAM coming out of you mouth. May be the steam part is the most enjoyable thing in winter for me. Especially when waiting for the bus, I keep my self busy blowing steam. It is JUST WOW :P anyways, there is something that I realized in winter here. The weather is not cold, or maybe not cold for me, even if it is about -20 unless the weather is windy. I was so surprised in the first days of winter that it wasn’t cool even though it was under -10. I felt like I was in Kuwait, and in Kuwait, however, it never gets below 0!!! When I said that to some people, they told me that it is partially because the weather her is so dry; meaning that there is no moisture in the air because we are higher than the sea level. Unlike Kuwait, we are on the sea level which makes the air full with moisture and much cooler in winter. So as I said, I am really enjoying this weather, but it is not so cold. I do not mean by not being cold that I am always warm, but I just mean it is not much of my expectation; that is, the temperature does not match how cold the weather is. May be because where I came from?? I don’t know..
Hi Mohammad,
Enjoy the weather in Calgary now, because the global warming is growing and soon you might not find the difference between Kuwait and Canada.
If you want I can bring you on Monday a piece of cake ( we call it "kulich").
Hi Mohammad,
I think you should stay more than 30 minutes under -7 degree celcius. It happened to me. I was waiting for a bus more than 45 minutes. And the temperature was below -6 degree. Now I have learned what is snow. Probably, you also need that training. Or, you are different and like Yulia, global warming is making us feel different.
I respect you liking the snow, but I can believe you are still enjoing it. Let's face it, we are in April and seens like the winter will never end, well, NO, I am not agree with you. I want the spring, the real one, with the flowers starting to flourish and a warmer weather.
You have an amazingly positive attitude about all this snow. It's going to snow tonight too! Actually, we usually get snow in May, and it is even possible to have snow in June!
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