Funny pictures are not related to what I am writing
Before starting to blog, I would like to thank SCOTT, ESTELA, YULIA, and LORET for writing me comments on my previous blog
Some times I have many things that I would like to blog about, and some ohter times I do not want to blog because of not being in the mood to do so. Just a couple of days before, I thought, "I don't want to blog! It will waste my time!" THEN I TOLD MY SELF: oooooooo Wait just a second, aren't you the one who made his presentation about the importance of BLOGGING!!!!!????? So I just went to the computer to start to blog then, I started surfing the internet:D
Anyways, I am blogging right now and this is the most important PART.
Her I go,....
Oh my God, I really forgot what I wanted to blog about! You know what, I will just free write.
Last night I spend about half the day on the phone. NOT with my friends or family but with companies! I have my line with telus, but yesterday Rogeres called me telling me that they bought my acount from telus :S I had to go through the whole process of telling them my name and #s of IDs. and after I thought I finished the man transferred me to another lady. I was like "Now what?" she was telling me the conditions and the agreeeeeement policy! then again intothe same process of telling them my information. The funniest part was that the lady seemed to be a french canadian. Her accent did not seem to be like a native accent, so I did not hesitate asking her every term that I did not understand. Anyway I closed the phone from them, and called the other company WITH WHOME I HAVE MY LONG DISTANSE PLAN (I am using an adjective clause :D) Guess what? I went into the same process of to reconnect my phone. because of saying my name so many times I could memorize it :D
later on, after all this calles I closed the phone and it was dinner time. For the first time I could make a aroud, flat pancake. I ate pancakes for dinner!
Anyways, moving along to speak from what happened with me yesterday to cartoons. WOW, can you see how coherent and logical I am to speak about two different topics that are compleeeeeeeeeeetley Not related. You have all noticed how much like the cartoon DRAGONBALL by seeing the picture of Goku, who is the main charecter. Will you guys believe me if I told you that I am dreaming of them! Two days ago I dreamed of seeing them @ my home in KUWAIT. I cant talk more about them because it will be an insult to talk about them so little. It will take more than for ever to tell you every thing about it , about why I like it, and about my dreams and thoughts. Yet I want to tell you one more thing:
Goku=Super Saiyan= Me