Like all children, when I was asked what would I like to be in the future, I would always answer them that I liked to be a Pilot. What I meant buy then was that I would like to be a pilot in the AIR FORCE. I wanted to fly something like F15 , B2 or Night Hook. However, I still want to fly but after realizintg that it is hard to be an Air Force pilot, I started to think about a new IDEA. I want to go SKY DIVING. I saw once a program about sky diving and it was fantastic. It has become a safe sport, so I hope one day that I will do it. QUESTION: WHO WILL JOIN ME IN THIS ADVENTURE?
If you think that I am crazy after reading this then do complete reading :D
After thinking with my self about these stuff I noticed a thing in me. CAN YOU GUESS? It is not the matter of loving to fly, but, in fact, it was the matter of speed!!. When I went to Kuwait last christmas holiday I got my driving licens. Like all roads there are many signs that says { Speed Leads to Death}. However, when was in the car ( it was Corrola) I remembered that I like speed so,................... 80--> 100 -->120--> Wait there is more ! 130--> 145 :) I went 145 mps Let me tell you about it: It was great to be @ that speed but still not satisfying to me. So I guess SKY DIVING IS THE ONE. On that program that I saw they said that a man can go over 400 mps ! They actually put the picture of a man going @ that speed and I realized that this is what I want
But I still have to remember that speed leads to death and that I have many dreams that I want t odo in my life (I will talk about them later hopefullllllllllllllllly)
Super Saiyan